This is my country! Not anymore! It's Lindbergh's. It is tje Jew haters'. It is the America Forsters'. It is the people who chase children down the street, asking questions, and then deport their families to Kentucky. It's their country. And if we run?If we quit? Then they win. And they do not get to win.
很诡异的片子很诡异的故事前半段让我想起《黑色星期五电影》后面情节完全失控了Adam Driver的角色第一次在舞台上发疯的时候就奠定了之后的基调:从导演到演员谁都不知道到底要表达什么倒是群演信念感很强因为他们就按传统musical来演的(而导演和两位主演对旋律都不敏感不知道为什么非要选择musical这一形式暴露自己的短板)一出credits我身后有个观众就迫不及待地说:I'm so confused